
How to Clean a Cigar Cutter

Don’t overlook the importance of a clean and well-maintained cigar cutter.

If you’ve ever felt your blades stiffen up or struggle to expand and contract, it’s a telltale sign that it’s time for a cleaning.

Many of you make the mistake of tossing your dirty cutters, thinking they’re dull when all they really need is some TLC.

We’re excited to share with you the proper steps on how to clean a cigar cutter, so you can ensure it lasts long and performs optimally.

Process of Cleaning a Cigar Cutter

Cleaning your cigar cutter may seem like a hassle, but the process is straightforward and easy.

By investing a few minutes of your time, even an hour, you’ll be rewarded ten folds. Trust us, it’s worth it!

To clean your cigar cutter, you will need the following items:

  • A soft-bristled brush
  • A clean, dry cloth
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • A toothpick or small cleaning tool

Disassemble the Cutter

First, disassemble the cutter by opening the blades and removing any screws or pins.

Be sure to refer to your cigar cutter’s manual or instructions, as different cutters may require different steps.

We’d recommend this excellent guide on how to reassemble a Xikar Xi1 cutter. If you happen to have one of these, you are in good hands!

Xikar Xi1 cigar cutter

Clean the Blades

Using a soft-bristled brush, gently brush away any debris or tobacco residue on the blades.

Be sure to remove any buildup around the edges and corners of the blades.

Use a toothpick or small cleaning tool to remove any stubborn buildup.

Sanitize the Blades

Once the blades are clean, sanitize them with rubbing alcohol.

Next, dampen a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe down the edges thoroughly.

This will disinfect the blades and remove any remaining debris.

Lubricate the Blades or NOT

Sure, it only takes a second to blast the blades with WD-40 or brake cleaner.

But you’re cleaning something that comes into contact with cigars you put in your mouth.

Toxic chemicals never make cigars taste better.

Even safer lubricants like vegetable oil can be problematic. Because they attract debris after they’re applied to the blades.

We recommend sticking with rubbing alcohol to sanitize and clean your cigar cutter blades.

Rubbing alcohol effectively disinfects and removes debris, and it evaporates quickly, leaving no residue behind.

Plus, it is safe to use with your cigar cutter and will not impact the taste or quality of your cigars.

Reassemble the Cutter

Once you’ve cleaned and lubricated your cigar cutter, it’s time to reassemble it.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure proper reassembly and optimal performance.

Be sure to securely tighten any screws or pins, but do not over-tighten them.

Polish the Cutter

Finally, polish the cutter with a clean, dry cloth to remove any fingerprints or smudges.

Your cigar cutter is now ready for your next smoking session!

3 Reasons Why You Should Regularly Clean Your Cigar Cutter

Don’t forget to give your cigar cutter some love and attention!

Like any other object, it needs regular maintenance to keep it in tip-top shape.

Neglecting it not only affects its performance but can also impact your health.

Hear us out on why you might want to clean your cigar cutter right now!

A Dirty Cutter Can Affect the Quality of Your Cigar

Using your cigar cutter makes it natural for tobacco residue, oils, and dirt to build up on the blades.

This leads to a poorly cut cigar, affecting its draw and burn.

A badly cut cigar can lead to unpleasant smoking experiences, such as a bitter taste, harsh draw, or uneven burn.

Don’t let that ruin your smoking enjoyment!

Regular Cleaning of Your Cigar Cutter Can Help Prolong Its Life

Don’t let accumulated debris dull your blades or damage your cigar cutter.

Not only can this lead to costly repairs or replacement, but it can also ruin your smoking experience.

Keep your cutter performing optimally for years to come by regularly cleaning and maintaining it.

Your cigars (and wallet) will thank you!

Clean Your Cigar Cutter to Keep Germs at Bay

Neglecting to clean your cigar cutter regularly can cause bacteria and germs to accumulate on the blades, which can then transfer to your cigar.

This can put you at risk of illness or infection, which nobody wants.

Sanitizing your cigar cutter with rubbing alcohol after each use can help prevent the spread of germs and keep you healthy.

Reserve Your Good Cutter for the First Cut

When smoking a cigar, it’s common to experience a plugged draw, which can be frustrating.

While it may be tempting to recut the cigar deeper to resolve the issue, avoiding using your good cutter is wise.

The moist end of a cigar that’s been in your mouth can transfer unwanted residue to the blades of your cutter, leading to buildup and a reduction in its effectiveness.

Instead, consider using a cheap disposable cutter for recuts.

Reserve your good cutter for executing the initial cut with precision before smoking.

NOTE: While cutting cigars with the cellophane on is possible, it’s not recommended.

Bits of cellophane can get stuck between the blades and interfere with your cutter’s accuracy, causing it to wear out faster.


"My name is Nick. I’m extremely passionate about cigars and have followed this past time for over five years. I particularly enjoy exploring my collection of premium quality Cuban cigars, selecting one, and savoring it. My goal with Cigars Experts is to inform and encourage my readers about how to have the very best cigar-smoking experience."

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