
How Far Down You Smoke a Cigar

There has been a huge debate between cigar aficionados about how far to smoke a cigar.

Some say to stop smoking a cigar till the ember reaches the band.

Others suggest doing it until your fingers start burning; just kidding. It mainly caters to your personal preference.

Also, some find it against cigar etiquette manners to smoke a cigar more than two-thirds.

So again, there is no correct answer to this question.

But as a beginner, here are a few things that will explain how far you should smoke your first cigar.

When Should You Stop Smoking a Cigar

People who smoke cigars stop according to what they think is right.

As the cigar is smoked, its flavor will develop, and it is typically advised to put it out before the cigar’s flavor is no longer enjoyable.

The two most arguable suggestions among cigar aficionados are to stop when the burning end gets closer to the band.

Or else to leave the cigar when you have reached three-finger widths.

Many cigar smokers say that a cigar smoked more than half or two-thirds is a waste.

All these recommendations are based on different cigar brands and personal preferences.

Some cigars get harsh and hot as you get closer to the end, making it difficult to smoke.

But, on the other hand, premium cigars from El Septimo brand develop a very desirable taste in the end.

It is your decision when to put the cigar down, and you will draw the line on how much to smoke it.

But to give an idea, let us discuss some of the suggestions on when to put down a cigar.

Smoking Phases: When the Cigar “Turns”

Split your cigar smoking into three phases.

Remember, the flavors will highly vary due to the tobacco types (wrapper leaf, binder, filler), blends, and the aging process.

First Third

You start with lightning and toasting the cigar’s foot (preferably with a butane torch lighter).

How to light a cigar with torch lighter

Then, keep burning the foot so you can savor the first notes of your premium stogie.

Usually, as you smoke, the first third is milder and smoother, giving you subtle flavor notes such as cream, wood, or nuts.

Second Third

The second third is considered the part where it is most enjoyable and referred to as the cigar “turns.”

Here, the taste will be at its best. You can characterize it as notes of chocolate, pepper, and leather will dominate.

This is the “journey” where you will start experiencing the full flavor. The taste will turn from soothing to bolder and more full-bodied with each puff.

This will happen because of the tar and oil build-up from tobacco.

The moisture and oils will make a good cigar stronger and more complex.

Eminent Swiss businessman and cigar aficionado Zino Davidoff wrote a thorough “Cigar Etiquette” guide that states a cigar should be put out when completing this “turning” phase.

Final Third

Many people would steer away from this “final phase,” but many enthusiasts even prefer these intense flavors.

You should typically expect even woody or earthy notes as a satisfying finale to your wonderful experience.

After all, smoking cigars is a pastime where everyone has individual preferences and can differ on various factors.

When It Gets Uncomfortable to Hold

It can get uncomfortable to hold a cigar properly as it gets smaller because there is no filter at the end like in a cigarette.

So, we suggest finish smoking it by the time it gets closer to the mouth and starts burning your fingertips and lips.

Not to mention that some people like smoking it to the very last puff, so they use a roach clip or a cigar holder to finish it.

If You Begin to Feel Unwell

There are times when smoking a cigar can lead to discomfort, making one feel nauseous and dizzy.

You can experience a buzzy feeling for more than one reason.

It will most likely happen when you smoke a cigar on an empty stomach, too strong to handle, or if you don’t pair it with drinks.

You need to enjoy the cigar. If a feeling of discomfort occurs at any point, you better stop smoking and step out to get some fresh air.

How to Properly Put Out A Cigar

Now that you have decided to stop smoking, rather than carelessly discarding a hot cigar butt, do that the right way.

So, put out the cigar and let it happen with grace. Do not stub in an ashtray like a cigarette.

How to put out a cigar properly

Taking off the band should be the first thing to do before putting it out.

You can also do this when you are halfway to the cigar.

The heat of it will loosen the stickiness on the band, and it will be safe to easily take it off. This will reduce the risk of tearing the wrapping leaf.

Note: If you enjoy smoking it to the very end, we suggest removing the band earlier.

Lastly, set it in the dish, and watch the cigar burn out.


"My name is Nick. I’m extremely passionate about cigars and have followed this past time for over five years. I particularly enjoy exploring my collection of premium quality Cuban cigars, selecting one, and savoring it. My goal with Cigars Experts is to inform and encourage my readers about how to have the very best cigar-smoking experience."

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