
Aging Cigars

Ever stashed away a cigar, only to rediscover it years later? As aficionados can attest, the art of aging cigars transforms their flavor profiles in incredible ways.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind aging cigars and explore the tantalizing world of flavor evolution.

Does Aging Cigars Always Guarantee Better Quality

When it comes to aging cigars, many believe that the older, the better. However, this isn’t always true.

Aging does not necessarily make a cigar better. In fact, it depends on the type of tobacco used, the blend, and the personal preference of the cigar lover.

The general rule of thumb is that most premium cigars can be aged for 2-5 years. While some might benefit from up to 10 years of aging.

However, no exact science exists to determine the perfect aging duration for every cigar.

Each cigar is unique, and the same cigars may age differently based on factors like storage conditions, blend, and the quality of tobacco used.

Experimenting with aging cigars is paramount to finding your optimal flavor and experience.

Keep track of the cigars you age, and try them at different stages to understand how the flavors and characteristics evolve over time.

This way, you can better appreciate the impact of the aging process on your favorite smokes.

Characteristics of a Well-Aged Cigar

A well-aged cigar is a delight for any aficionado. Some key characteristics of a perfectly aged cigar include:

  • Smooth, refined cigar’s flavors.
  • Improved draw and even burn.
  • A more balanced taste with a pleasant aroma.
  • Subtle complexity and depth.

As cigars age, they undergo a process of marrying flavors, where the individual components in the blend meld together harmoniously.

This results in a more enjoyable, sophisticated smoking experience.

The 3 Stages of the Aging Process

Initial aging (0-1 year): Freshly rolled cigars undergo a settling period.

The tobacco’s moisture content stabilizes, and the flavors meld together.

This stage is necessary as it allows the cigars to rest and recover from the stress of the rolling process.

Maturation (1-5 years): The aging process truly begins to shine during this stage.

Chemical reactions occur within the cigar, and the unique flavors of the tobacco blend harmoniously.

The cigars also mellow out, losing some of their initial harshnesses and gaining complexity.

Optimal aging (5-10 years or even more): In this final stage, the cigar’s flavors have matured to their peak potential, resulting in a delightful and unforgettable experience.

However, not all cigars will benefit from extended aging; some may even lose their distinct characteristics if aged too long.

The Tobacco is Already Aged

It’s important to remember that the tobacco in premium cigars has already undergone a lengthy aging process before being rolled.

Cigar makers carefully age the tobacco leaves in bales or barrels for several years to develop and refine their flavors.

This process ensures that the tobacco is at its prime when it reaches cigar shops, and the consumer can enjoy a high-quality product.

Best Humidors for Aging Cigars at Home

To age cigars at home, you need a quality humidor to maintain the ideal humidity level (between 65-72% relative humidity).

Some popular humidor brands that are perfect for storing and aging cigars include:

Davidoff of London

Davidoff, synonymous with luxury and quality, offers a range of humidors that expertly combine form and function.

Their humidors are equipped with state-of-the-art self-regulating humidification systems and are crafted from carefully selected materials to ensure a stable environment for your cigars.

While traditional woods like cedar have been commonly used in humidors for their aromatic qualities, Davidoff has taken a different approach.

They utilize a West African tropical wood called Aucoumea klaineana or Okoume for the internal lining and lacquer to create a resilient and durable interior.

Okoume is chosen primarily because it’s a hardwood that offers excellent durability and has no negative aromatic qualities that can affect the cigar.

This innovative choice of materials showcases Davidoff’s commitment to providing top-notch cigar storage solutions that cater to the discerning cigar enthusiast.

Nobody is more adept at elucidating the art of aging cigars than the distinguished Eddie Sahakian from Davidoff of London, a true connoisseur in the field.

Diamond Crown

Known for its luxury humidors, Diamond Crown offers a range of sizes and finishes with excellent craftsmanship and reliable humidity control.


These affordable yet stylish humidors are made from high-quality Spanish cedar and feature SureSeal Technology, ensuring a tight seal to maintain consistent humidity levels.


While not a traditional humidor manufacturer, Boveda offers humidity control packs that can be used in conjunction with any humidor to ensure precise and consistent humidity levels.

Their packs are available in various humidity levels, making it easy to maintain the perfect environment for aging cigars.

Elie Bleu

Renowned for their craftsmanship and elegance, Elie Bleu humidors are made in France using high-quality materials such as precious woods and veneers.

These luxurious humidors maintain ideal humidity levels and serve as a beautiful display piece for your cigar collection.


Adorini humidors provide excellent value with their combination of innovative features, quality craftsmanship, and affordability.

Their humidors are made from premium materials. Such as Spanish cedar and high-quality exteriors.

Also, they come equipped with adjustable ventilation openings and gold-plated hygrometers for precise humidity control.

Note: Choosing the right humidor is also essential for successfully storing your cigars.

As it provides a stable environment that protects your precious collection from fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Factory-Aged vs. Store Shelf-Aged: Maturation Environments

Not all shops sell cigars at the same rate. A single box of cigars in some stores may sit for an entire year or even longer before being purchased.

This aging on the shelf can impact the cigar’s flavor, as it hasn’t been aged under the controlled conditions of a cigar maker’s aging room.

Factory-aged cigars are stored in a master blender’s aging room, where temperature and humidity are meticulously controlled.

This ensures optimal aging conditions, resulting in cigars that have reached their peak potential in flavor and aroma.

On the other hand, store shelf-aged cigars may not have been stored under the same ideal conditions.

Thus leading to inconsistent aging and a possible decline in quality.

Cigar lovers need to consider these factors when purchasing cigars for aging.

If possible, inquire about the storage conditions and age of the cigars at your local cigar shop to make an informed decision.


Aging cigars is a personal preference that depends on the individual smoker’s taste.

By understanding the factors that influence the aging process and experimenting with different aging durations, you can find the perfect balance to achieve the best cigars for your palate.

Remember that the journey of discovering the ideal aging conditions is part of the joy of being a cigar enthusiast.

Thus, embrace the process and savor the evolution of flavors that comes with adequately aged cigars.


"My name is Nick. I’m extremely passionate about cigars and have followed this past time for over five years. I particularly enjoy exploring my collection of premium quality Cuban cigars, selecting one, and savoring it. My goal with Cigars Experts is to inform and encourage my readers about how to have the very best cigar-smoking experience."

Articles: 63

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