


"My name is Nick. I’m extremely passionate about cigars and have followed this past time for over five years. I particularly enjoy exploring my collection of premium quality Cuban cigars, selecting one, and savoring it. My goal with Cigars Experts is to inform and encourage my readers about how to have the very best cigar-smoking experience."
Cigar beetles

Cigar Beetles

Cigar beetles are a menace, for sure. Imagine sitting down after a long day of work, getting ready to smoke a cigar to ease all your worries. You reach into your humidor, pull out a cigar, and are shocked to…

Cigar wrapper types

Cigar Wrapper Types: Complete Guide

A cigar smoker has preferences. The perfect cigar needs to have the perfect cigar wrapper. While new smokers might not know the importance, cigar wrapper leaves play a huge role. Think of it like art. A wrapper can make your…

How to retrohale a cigar

How to Retrohale a Cigar

Learning to retrohale a cigar is something that makes a whole lot of difference when it comes to fully savoring the flavors of your smoke. However, it takes a little practice to get it right. Confidence also plays a part…

Best drinks with a cigar

Best Drink with a Cigar

It’s no secret that smoking cigars is a sophisticated and relaxing pastime. But sometimes, pairing it with a drink can surely make the experience much better.  So whether you’re in the mood for something sweet, sour, strong, or light, we’ve…

How to hold a cigar

How to Hold a Cigar Properly

As cigar smokers, it’s good to know the right way to hold your cigars to get the most out of your smoking experience. Of course, there are no hard and fast rules whatsoever, but to some people abiding by the…

How to enjoy cigar

How to Enjoy a Cigar

Cigar smoking is an art; as such, you must take certain steps to enjoy the flavors and aromas properly. Everyone has their own way. Some prefer to smoke it slowly and savor each puff, while others love the intensity and…

How to get rid of bad cigar breath

How to Get Rid of Cigar Breath

Smoking a cigar is associated with a lot of things. While some of them seem attractive, like the vibe it creates, other things are not so pleasant. The bad breath you are left with after smoking a cigar is perhaps…